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5 Rules of Relationships

5 Rules of Relationships

John Maxwell says relationships can fall into one of four categories. Those that add to who we are, those that subtract, those that multiply our strengths and those that divide us.

To improve our relationships with others, he offers these five rules:
  1. Get Along with Yourself — The one relationship you have until you die is with yourself. Treat yourself with the love and respect you deserve. 
  2. Value People — You cannot make another feel important if you secretly feel that he or she is not. Recognize that everyone has innate value.
  3. Make the Effort to Form Relationships — Chuck Swindoll said, “It’s like they say in the Army, when you dig a foxhole, make enough room for two.” Reach out, make room and enjoy new relationships.
  4. Understand the Reciprocity Rule — What you put into the lives of others comes back into your own. 
  5. Follow the Golden Rule — If every person made decisions based on the Golden Rule, we would all make more right decisions.

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